The ABC of Leadership IV

The fundamentals of leadership using letters of the alphabet.  By Sulaimon Olanrewaju  (Culled from Punch Newspapers )   The ABC Of Leadership IV   S – Service The hallmark of leadership is service. Leadership that does not offer service is mere rhetoric, not more than mere gas. Leaders are agents of change; the change created […]

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The ABC of Leadership III – Part 2

The fundamentals of leadership using letters of the alphabet.  By Sulaimon Olanrewaju  (Culled from Punch Newspapers)   P – Purpose Leadership is of no essence without purpose. Purpose is the strength of leadership. It is the anchor that holds the leader steady during a storm. When a leader comes to the understanding of his purpose […]

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The ABC of Leadership III

The fundamentals of leadership using letters of the alphabet.  By Sulaimon Olanrewaju  (Culled from Punch Newspapers )   L – Love Love is the ultimate leadership tool. The reason is simple; there is a nexus between love and leadership. The objective of love is to make its object better. Hence, love is never passive but […]

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The ABC of Leadership II – Part 2

The fundamentals of leadership using letters of the alphabet.  By Sulaimon Olanrewaju  (Culled from Punch Newspapers)   I – Industry Industry comprises two components; hard work and innovation. Hard work is the antidote to a hard life. It has been found out that the harder people work, the luckier they get. So, beating the average […]

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The ABC of Leadership II

The fundamentals of leadership using letters of the alphabet.  By Sulaimon Olanrewaju  (Culled from Punch Newspapers )  The ABC of Leadership II H- Humility Humility is critical to successful leadership. Hence the submission by Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, that every organization that transited from being good to becoming great was fortunate to […]

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The ABC Of Leadership I – Part 2

The fundamentals of leadership using letters of the alphabet.  By Sulaimon Olanrewaju  (Culled from Punch Newspapers)   D – Discipline Discipline is decision determined by vision and purpose. It is the bridge between aspiration and accomplishment. Successful leaders subject themselves to a regimen of restrictions and self-denials to achieve their set targets. They do the […]

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The ABC Of Leadership I

The fundamentals of leadership using letters of the alphabet.  By Sulaimon Olanrewaju  (Culled from Punch Newspapers) The ABC Of Leadership I A  –  Attention to details Great leaders pay attention to details. They are neither flippant nor frivolous because they know that their work is their signature and therefore endeavour to make it a masterpiece […]

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What a food for thought!

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Alfred Nobel Can you imagine reading your own obituary in the newspaper? What would people say about you? Alfred Nobel got the chance to read his own death notice, and he didn’t like what he saw. Alfred Nobel was a very wealthy and successful man. He had become an expert in chemistry and invented three […]

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THOUGHTS: Napoleon Hill

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THOUGHTS. Napoleon Hill ” Any impulse of thought which is repeatedly passed on to the subconscious mind is finally accepted and acted upon by the subsconcious mind, which proceeds to translate that impulse into it’s physical equivalent, by the most practical procedure available”. Until thought is linked with purpose, there is no intelligent accomplishment. James […]

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