The fundamentals of leadership using letters of the alphabet. 

By Sulaimon Olanrewaju  (Culled from Punch Newspapers)


D – Discipline

Discipline is decision determined by vision and purpose. It is the bridge between aspiration and accomplishment. Successful leaders subject themselves to a regimen of restrictions and self-denials to achieve their set targets. They do the unpleasant but necessary tasks that will take them to the desired end. They spurn pleasurable but incapacitating activities that will take them off their predetermined end. They do not spare themselves; they keep pushing the frontiers and ensure they do whatever they need to do so that they can achieve the goals they have set for themselves.


Discipline is not imposed by external forces or interests on the leader; it is a measure he chooses to take after considering what he intends to accomplish; and bearing in mind everything he needs to achieve the feat. Everyone wants to be successful but not everyone is willing to pay the price for success. The price for success is discipline. Discipline has two components; doing what is not convenient but necessary and restraining oneself from what is convenient but largely a waste of time and effort.


Discipline requires determining the end from the beginning, focusing on the end from the beginning and not shifting from the end till the end.


 E – Excellence

Excellence is exceeding set standards. In any human endeavour, there are set standards that separate success from failure; these are the irreducible minimum that can be tolerated from anyone or organization involved in any activity. Meeting the standard is nothing exceptional because it is expected. It is when the standards are exceeded that excellence is achieved.


For instance, customers have expectations which are hinged on acceptable minimum standards. However, to sustain customers’ patronage requires exceeding their basic expectations. For as long as these expectations are met, the customers have no complaint. However, meeting the customer’s basic expectation is not a guarantee for repeat patronage. What never stops to ensure the return of the customer is exceeding his expectations. Once the customer knows that he will get more than his bargain, he never stops his patronage. In addition to that, he becomes an evangelist who shares the ‘good news’ of his expectation being exceeded with others. It is having customers who are evangelists that separate a thriving organization from a struggling one and it is for this reason that leaders always endeavour to put in place a structure that encourages a culture of excellence.


The fulcrum of excellence is seeking continual improvement and putting the acquired knowledge to use. Excellence is driven by the belief that there is always a better way to do anything. There is nothing being done so well that it cannot be improved upon. Excellence is born when the quest to know more is met with the determination to put to use the newly acquired knowledge.


 F – Failure

Failure is a fact of life. It is almost impossible to go through life without experiencing failure at one point or the other. Failure is one of the many steps on the ladder of success. In many cases, failure is the father of success. It is failure that points the way to success. Very often, those who fail the most make the most of success. Thomas Edison failed many times but his failures paved the way for the emergence of the electric bulb. The Wright brothers did not get the mechanism for flying an airplane right the moment they set out. But by failing, they found a better way of achieving their mission and the world has become a better place for it. Hence, great leaders never discard anyone because they failed once, twice or more. Knowing that failure is just a bend on the road to success, a leader who is worth the title helps those experiencing failure back on their feet.


Failure is neither fatal nor final. Failure often points attention to what is wrong and helps those willing to learn to correct this for better result at the next attempt. So, failure does not only result in the improvement of persons and organizations, it makes the world better. Failure is nothing to be ashamed of because it is a common denominator of those who long for greatness. A person is not a failure because he fails; he becomes a failure when he allows himself to be defeated by failure.


Michael Jordan, one of the best basketball players ever, said, “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games, 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”



G – Grit

Grit is an unrepentant resolve to succeed against all odds. It is a mindset that settles for nothing but what it set out to achieve. It is an unwavering commitment to goals. It is a belief that nothing is unachievable. It is a conviction in personal and organizational objectives. It is tenacity of purpose. Grit is being fastened to your goal through thick and thin. It is working to achieve your goals day after day, week after week, month after month. It is staying on course for as long as it takes to arrive at the finishing line. Hence, Angela Duckworth says grit is perseverance and passion for long-term goals.


Grit is what sustains the leader when everything else fails. It is what keeps the leader going when situation turns awry. It kept Abraham Lincoln going despite his many losses; it kept Nelson Mandela going in the prison for 27 years; it kept Winston Churchill going even when it appeared the war was already lost.


Grit gives people the push when they are down. As observed by Calvin Coolidge, “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”


 Robert Bruce and the spider

In 1306, Robert Bruce was crowned the King of Scotland but he was deposed the following year by King Edward I of England. He was forced into exile and sought refuge in a cave. While hiding in the cave, he was seriously discouraged and thought of giving up on fighting for his reinstatement to the throne. While rummaging about this, he saw a spider trying several times to build its web before eventually succeeding. This inspired him and he resolved not to let go of the throne without a fight. So, he mobilized his people and waged war against England. He defeated the English forces at the Battle of Bannockburn on 24 June 1314. It took him seven years but he got it done.


Last line

Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great. —Fernando Flores